The drawings collection illustrated here represents the remaining contents of the artist's studio excepting works that have been distributed amongst family members or sold. While individually the majority are of little commercial value, seen as a whole they provide a rare opportunity to see the development and working methods of a practising artist.
Each work has been photographed and catalogued; some are unidentified whilst many are studies for well-known works in public collections. The collection of over 900 drawings can be searched by categories and related works have been linked together. A detail from each drawing is shown to give an appreciation of drawing style and craftsmanship and, where possible, the resulting finished work is shown in context.
There is also an archive of photographic images of finished works in both public and private collections which are linked to specific drawings in the collection.
The site is still a 'work in progress' and more content is being added all the time. If you have any enquiries or information, please contact: